Who will be using the typewriter?
an adult
a teenager
a tween
a kid 5-9
a kid younger than 5
Do you have a color preference?
Most portable typewriters are tan, drab green, black or white, but if you want a fun color like red, orange, pink, bright green or turquoise, let us know. We only sell vintage portable typewriters in their original colors, so we covet the special shades we find.
From which decade do you want your typewriter to be?
1950s (curved like a classic car, steel body)
1960s (space age, fun colors, steel or plastic body)
1970s (groovy, earthy colors, plastic body)
1980s (angular, basic colors, plastic body)
What is your budget?
Our prices include free shipping or local deliver and depend on the rarity and condition of the typewriter. Toy typewriters are the least expensive and super rare unicorns (like typewriters with rare fonts or colors) are the most expensive.
$100 or less
$200 or less
$300 or less
$400 or less
over $400
any amount
Do you like bigger type or smaller type?
Typewriters generally come with one of two different sizes. The bigger size is Pica, 10 characters per inch (looks like about 12 point type). The smaller size is Elite, 12 characters per inch (looks like about 10 point type). There are exceptions, but 95% of typewriters are one of these two sizes.
small (elite)
big (pica)
other (bigger than pica)
other (smaller than elite)
Do you want a special typeface/font?
Most typewriters have a similar serif typeface that everyone recognizes, but some special machines are cursive, italic, techno/senatorial/cubic (a robotic sans serif look), or Imperial/Canterbury (which look like the font in a paperback book). There are other special fonts, too, but those are the most common.
standard typeface
something else
Will the typewriter mainly stay on a desk or do you/the recipient want something to take along to other locations?
We ask because a standard portable is good for a desk, but you’ll want an ultraportable if you plan to use it in other places.
easy to take to other locations
What kind of typist are you/the recipient?
If you’ve never used a typewriter before and are more used to a computer keyboard you’ll prefer a different kind of machine than someone who is used to typing on typewriters.
only familiar with computer keyboards
some experience with typewriters
comfortable using a manual typewriter
a pro used to touch-typing on a manual typewriter
What will it be used for?
Writing lots of pages all the time
Thank You cards and similar messages
The occasional label or recipe
Short bursts of text when the mood strikes
Are you in the Detroit area?
We only ask so we can factor in local delivery vs. shipping.
no, but in the U.S.
other countries
Any other preferences we should know?
How did you hear about us?
A friend
At an event